• Welcome, 6th Graders! 

    Well, can you believe we are in the home stretch of the 2019-2020 school year? What a year it has been. I know it's one we will never forget. Please enjoy your end of the year activities as assignments this week. I speak for the whole sixth grade team when I tell you, we wish so much we could be together to wrap up the year! We are all thinking about you and wishing you all the best this summer and in MIDDLE SCHOOL! :)

    Please be sure to take care of yourselves and stay safe. Stay home, keep a distance from others, cover your face, and make sure you wash your hands with soap ALL THE TIME!

    On my webpage, you will find your science and social studies assignments. Be sure to click on the links to get to Mrs. Edwards', Mr. Melson's and Miss Forcucci's pages for math and ELA assignments. 



                    Questions or concerns? Please fill out (click the blue words to get to the form).